Operation Reconquista

What is it about?

The Protestant heritage has been largely lost since the Mainline Protestant Churches drifted into theological liberalism, driving the conservatives to split off and form new Evangelical Churches. This only caused the Mainline Churches to become even more theologically liberal to the point of sometimes even denying all the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. The Reconquista is a long-term attempt to restore the Mainline Protestants to the beliefs that they claim to confess on paper.

Why is it needed?

When the conservatives left the Mainline Churches, they left behind most of their historic buildings, religious traditions, cultural connections, and Protestant heritage. More and more people are recognizing the important of such things after growing up in Evangelical churches where they were neglected. Because of how culturally rooted they are, Mainline Churches are the ones with the power to actually influence the culture, so reviving them could help reverse the nonstop decline of religion in the West.

How is it possible?

Re-taking entire denominations may seem like an impossible and daunting task, but is a reason why it is completely possible if we follow the proper strategy: Theologically liberal Churches are constantly on the decline because they abandon all doctrines that give people a reason to have religious commitment. So our grand strategy is to form Biblical holdouts within the Mainline Church, and strengthen existing ones, knowing that they will outlast the disappearing liberal majority. It will happen in 5 steps:

Step 1: Pioneers

Have individual brave pioneers scout out and join Mainline Churches, seeing them as mission fields (only for Christians with a strong faith who can handle being in the presence of false teaching)

Step 2: Community forming

The pioneers will invite other faithful Bible-believing Christians to join their Church to form conservative sub-communities within it

Step 3: Alliances

These conservative sub-communities will awaken the many quiet conservatives (which do exist in, especially in many rural mainline Churches) and can merge with existing conservative holdouts within the Mainline Churches

Step 4: Out-lasting

These Biblical sub-communities will out-last the fading liberal majority because of the principle that theologically liberal Christians are much less invested in evangelizing, passing on their religion to their children, and committing to the faith long-term.

Step 5: Reunification

Once the conservatives re-gain the majority, they can vote to make the Mainline denominations explicitly confessional, and then they can merge with their conservative breakaway counterpart denominations.

Join the Reconquista!

Find a moderate Mainline Church

Click the map above to find a moderate Mainline Protestant Church with the goal of building up its membership and reviving it

Help form Biblical Communities

If you are in a Mainline Protestant Church (PCUSA, ELCA, UMC, RCA, TEC Episcopal, or UCC) OR if you intend on joining one, join the Reconquista discord to form alliances and Biblical sub-communities within Mainline Churches. Please ONLY join this discord if you are actively attending a Mainline Church or plan to do so immediately.